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California Balcony Inspection And Repair

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What You Need To Know

The California Balcony Inspection Bill, SB-721 and SB-326, requires all balconies, decks, and other elevated exterior spaces in California to be inspected by a licensed engineer or architect every six years.

For existing HOAs the first inspections must be completed by January 1st, 2025, and completed again, once every nine years, thereafter.

New HOAs for which a building permit application was submitted after January 1, 2020, must have the inspections completed within 6 years of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy and once every nine years thereafter.

Requirements for State Bills 721 & 326​

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Who Can Perform SB-326 Inspections?

The inspector must be either a licensed structural Engineer or Architect. URC has experienced Inspectors on our team.​

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How Much Of The Community Needs Inspecting?

The bill requires inspecting a “random sample” of  95% of the community EEEs . URC inspects 100% of your communities EEEs to ensure all concerns are discovered.​

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Do All Communities Require These Inspections?

Associations with 3 or more units with “Exterior Elevated Elements” will require an inspection– This includes balconies, decks, stairways, walkways and railings that are supported by wood or wood-based products and are more than six feet above the ground.​

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When Is The Inspection Deadline?​

The first inspection must be completed by the end of 2024  and must be completed every 9 years.  The written report must be stamped by the inspector.​

What Is The Inspection Looking For?​

The inspections are to confirm the community is in “generally safe condition” and “performing in accordance with applicable standards.”

If the inspector sees signs that the waterproofing system has been compromised, or that there is risk of damage to the load bearing components of the building, they are to use best judgment to recommend further inspections.

If there are any threats to safety of residents, the inspector must notify the association immediately and governmental inspection agencies within 15 days of issuing their report. The association must act immediately to prevent access to dangerous areas and take other appropriate preventive measures necessary to protect the safety of the residents.​

A building with balconies and palm trees in front of it
A building with many balconies and a blue sky in the background

What If Our Community Has Damage Or Unsafe Conditions?​

It is not uncommon for Associations to discover damage after their inspection. URC is the one of the few inspection companies that will provide scope of work for your communities repairs.​

  • We provide a full summary of the conditions rather than a sample size. 
  • If repair or maintenance is needed, we provide a scope of work and a cost estimate during the same site visit. 
  • Other reports are simply "pass or fail" per the state requirements leaving the HOA without a path forward. If repair is required, we provide the community with a budgeted phase approach to get their community back on track.

Don't Risk a Balcony Collapse​​

Why It Matters

In 2015 a group of young adults gathered in their Berkeley apartment to celebrate a birthday. What started as a joyous celebration ended with the death of five and injuries of seven more. The tragedy continued in January, when sadly, one of the injured died as a result of injuries sustained that night. 

The tragedy sparked the investigation of the balcony structure. While it was discovered that corners were cut by the construction company, the building’s management company was also found to be at fault. The primary cause of the collapse was concluded to be rot in the load-bearing elements of the balcony, however, the renters had reported indications of moisture build-up prior to the incident. It was reported that the management company did not handle this complaint with the proper care.

In 2017, settlements were paid out to the families with both the construction and management company being cited as at fault. As a result the state of California began the process of trying to prevent something like this from happening again. 

That’s what spurred the creation of 
SB-721 and SB-326.

A balcony on a building with a roof that has been damaged

The URC Difference

A black and white icon of a building with squares and dots on a white background.
A black and white drawing of a person wearing headphones

We handle resident notifications and appointments. 

Other reports are simply "pass or fail" per the state requirements leaving the HOA without a path forward.

A black and white drawing of a tag with a hole in the middle.
A black and white silhouette of a hard hat on a white background.

Our report outline repairs in order of severity so your community can prioritize their budget.

If maintenance is needed, we provide a scope of work and a cost estimate during the same site visit.

A building with a balcony and a blue sky in the background

Schedule Your Inspection & Become Compliant

URC provides balcony inspections to ensure the safety of your loved ones and property. By law, SB 326 requires all California condominiums to have balcony inspections completed by the end of 2024 and every 9 years thereafter. As a property owner, it is important that you not only comply with the law, but also protect your investment.

Contact us today to schedule your inspection and peace of mind.

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